Featured Student Profiles

Kyle Blount

Kyle Blount

Research Assistant


Medium Range Temperature Forecast Support


Statistical analysis of seasonal, subseasonal, and synoptic precursor indicators of extreme warm and cold temperatures during the warm season across parts of the United States

My VIAM work has better prepared me for a career in meteorology. Through VIAM, I was able to gain valuable real work experience and skills I will need in my future."

Steve LaVoie

Steve LaVoie

Research Assistant


Cold Air Outbreaks


Analysis of subseasonal and synoptic precursor indicators of major cold-air outbreaks in the central and eastern United States

I enjoyed working for VIAM because the research I did provided me with real world experience. It was my first taste of what I could do with my meteorology degree when I received it and helped shaped my interest in doing research for future projects including my senior thesis. My experiences with VIAM eventually propelled me into other new things over the last few years both at LSC (including serving as President of the local AMS chapter) and beyond when I interned at NWS Burlington in the summer of 2007 and Citadel Investment Group in Chicago during the summer of 2008."

Design & Developed by Brett Bessett