Notes: Perl Lab 08
- Join Function
- Concatenation
- Substrings
- length function
- Case manipulation
The join
The join
function joins the elements of a list
(array) together as a single string with the individual elements
separated by the specified string. While this appears to be
simililar to the split
function, the first argument
cannot be a pattern, it must be a string.
@greek = qw( alpha beta delta epsilon zeta eta iota gamma theta omega );
$string_one = join('*', @greek);
print "String 1:\n$string_one\n\n";
$string_two = join('', @greek);
print "String 2:\n$string_two\n\n";
$join_str = ':::';
$string_three = join($join_str, $greek[3], $greek[7], $greek[1], $greek[0]);
print "String 3:\n$string_three\n\n";
When executed, the script above produces the following output:
[mark@iguana perl] ./
String 1:
String 2:
String 3:
[mark@iguana perl]
String Concatenation
In perl, the concatenation operator is the dot character
). This can be used to contatenate strings in
variable assignment or in other functions such as a
@greek = qw( alpha beta delta epsilon zeta eta iota gamma theta omega );
$alphabeta = $greek[0] . $greek[1];
print "Alpha/Beta is $alphabeta\n";
print "This string was written on ".
"multiple lines but will ".
"print only one.\n";
When executed, the script above produces the following output:
[mark@iguana perl] ./
Alpha/Beta is alphabeta
This string was written on multiple lines but will print only one
[mark@iguana perl]
Substrings can be extracted from a string using the
function. The function uses the following
substr($string, $offset, $length)
In the above statement $string
would be the text
string from which a substring will be extracted. The
and $length define which substring of the
original string ($string
) will be returned.
tells the substr
where to begin the substring. If the substring were to begin
with the first character of the string then the value of
would be 0. If we wished to start the
substring with the third character then the value of
$length, defines how long, in characters, the
substring will be. $length
should be an integer
value. Some examples below:
$test_string = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
$newsubstr = substr($test_string, 3, 5);
print "New substring is '$newsubstr'\n";
$strlngth = 7;
$offset = 9;
$second_substr = substr($test_string, $offset, $strlngth);
print "Second substring is '$second_substr'\n";
When executed, the script above produces the following output:
[mark@iguana perl] ./
New substring is 'defgh'
Second substring is 'jklmnop'
[mark@iguana perl]
The length
The length
function simply returns the length of a
text string. It is useful when used in conjunction with the
substring function. Below is a script with some examples of how
to use the length
$str_one = 'Perl is great!';
$str_two = 'I love Unix!!';
$str_three = 'Computers are evil';
$length_two = length($str_two);
print "String two is $length_two characters long.\n";
print "String one is " . length($str_one) . " characters long.\n";
$sl = 4;
$offset = length($str_three) - 4;
$last_four = substr($str_three, $offset, $sl);
$last_four_more = substr($str_three, (length($str_three) -4), 4);
print "The last four characters of '$str_three' are '$last_four' or ".
When executed, the script above produces the following output:
[mark@iguana perl] ./
String two is 13 characters long.
String one is 14 characters long.
The last four characters of 'Computers are evil' are 'evil' or 'evil'
[mark@iguana perl]
Case Manipulation
Perl has several functions for altering the case of a string.
Function | Description |
uc($string) | Returns the value of $string will all
characters converted to upper case |
lc($string) | Returns the value of $string with all
characters converted to lower case |
ucfirst($string) | Returns the value of $string with
just the first character converted to uppercase. All other
charactes in the string are unchanged. |
lcfirst($string) | Returns the value of $string with
just the first character converted to lower case. All other
characters in the string are unchanged. |
Some examples:
print "Please enter your name:\n";
chomp($myname = <STDIN>);
print "Capitalize: " . ucfirst($myname) . "\n";
print "Upper case: " . uc($myname) . "\n";
$myname = uc($myname);
print "Lower first: " . lcfirst($myname) . "\n";
print "Lower case: " . lc($myname) . "\n";
When executed, the script above produces the following output:
[mark@iguana perl] ./
mark tucker
Capitalize: Mark tucker
Upper case: MARK TUCKER
Lower first: mARK TUCKER
Lower case: mark tucker
[mark@iguana perl]
last updated: 18 Mar 2012 13:04