Notes: Perl Lab 01
- Why use Perl?
- Why not use Perl?
- How Perl works.
- Perl Help
- Scalar Variables
- Resources
Why use Perl?
Perl: "Practical Extraction and Report Language"
There are many good reasons to use Perl:
- Excellent for manipulating data, particularly tabular
data - great for pulling apart text bulletins, model data, etc.
- Used by NWS offices.
- Available on every modern version of Unix, Linux and BSD
- Free. Source code is available under the terms of the
GPL or Artistic licenses.
- Available on Windows, Mac, OS/2 and other dinosaur systems.
- Very fast to write. Perl has many built in functions to
simplify tasks.
- Very flexible ("There's More Than One Way To Do
- Extensible - There are modules available on CPAN that
add new functions for nearly anything imaginable.
- Mature - Perl has been under active development since 1987.
- Fun!
Why not use Perl?
- It's a bit weird. Perl borrows features from other
languages (C, Bourne Shell, Awk).
- syntax is not rigid. It is easy to get sloppy and messy code
abounds. Perl is sometimes referred to as a "Write-only"
language because nobody else can understand what you wrote.
Below are two examples of valid, but practically
unreadable, Perl code:
@P=split//,".URRUU\c8R";@d=split//,"\nrekcah xinU / lreP rehtona tsuJ";sub p{
($p{$_})&6];$p{$_}=/ ^$P/ix?$P:close$_}keys%p}p;p;p;p;p;map{$p{$_}=~/^[P.]/&&
close$_}%p;wait until$?;map{/^r/&&<$_>}%p;$_=$d[$q];sleep rand(2)if/\S/;print
/;{}def/#{def}def/$_={/Times-Bold exch selectfont}#/_{rmoveto}#/"{dup}#/*/!/$
;/q{exch}#/x ; {/J q #}#/.{/T q #}#{stringwidth}#{}#{}# 14 string dup dup dup
260 40 moveto 90 rotate ; %/}};$0='"\e[7m \e[0m"';@ARGV=split//,reverse
q(ThePerl). q(Journal) x 220 ; q ; 0 T putinterval exch 7 J putinterval ;
; $_= q /m$ pop T($*!$"=!$ " )pop " * true% ? $ " $!" " !! !! % !" !" !
! charpath {!"""}pop $ pop{""!}pop ! neg{!#}pop 220 ! neg _{!!}pop J false %T
charpath clip " pop 0 " moveto 6{!!}pop $_= 105{!!}pop {$ ! $ " ! #! ##}
pop{dup dup $ ! " pop pop q{"}pop 22{dup show}repeat {"}pop q 22 mul{$ "} pop
neg{!#! $ "}pop ! 8 .65 mul{$ # # $}pop ! neg{"}pop _ pop{"}pop } repeat pop
" { $ " ! ! ! $ " ! !" "#" #"!"""""! #" " # "m/;@ARGV=(@ARGV[-14..-1])x50;q}
0 "%};s/m[ou]|[-\dA-ln-z.\n_{}]|\$_=//gx;s/(.)(?{$*=''})/('$*.='.(++$#
; sub showpage {}
- Slightly slow startup time for large apps - not much of a problem
on current systems.
- Good for text manipulation and "glue" but may not be
the most well suited for gui apps or low level apps.
- Objects are an after-thought. Very inconsistent behavior.
How Perl Works
With Perl, the source code is the program. Technically, Perl is
an interpreted language - which means that the source code is read
in at execution time. It is actually compiled at run time so there
is no need for the compilation and linking steps in building an
executable as with other languages. This compilation adds some delay
in the startup of a perl program but allows it to run more
efficiently once it is fully loaded.
An example of a basic perl script:
print "Hello World!\n";
Some notes on the structure of a perl program:
- Perl programs are just a plain text file.
- The first line, first column, must start with the string
. The initial character pair
tells the Unix shell that that this script will be
using it's own interpreter which is the executable program
that follows immediately, in this case
. The actual location of the perl
executable may vary depending on the version of Unix being
used. On Windows systems, this line is not necessary as
Windows uses the file name extension to determine how to run
the executable. It is still a good idea to include the line
in case the program is moved over to another type of system.
Under Unix based systems the file may be named any valid Unix
file name but it is helpful to name perl scripts with the .pl
extension so that they can easily be identified.
- Comments start with the
character. They
may be on a line by themselves or follow a perl statement.
Any text after the #
symbol is ignored by the
perl interpreter.
- All perl statements must end with the semi-colon
";" character. New lines do not end a statement.
Perl ignores "white space"
in the code such as spaces, tabs and new-line characaters
except when found within single quoted strings.
Running the script:
tuckerm@apollo:~> perl
Hello World!
In this example, the perl interpreter is executed with the
script name as an argument. perl
then reads the
contents of the file, compiles the script in system memory, and
executes the code.
tuckerm@apollo:~> chmod a+x
tuckerm@apollo:~> ./
Hello World!
In the example above, the script file itself is made executable
with the Unix chmod
command. It is then executed.
The Unix shell reads the first line "#!/usr/bin/perl"
and launches the perl interpreter to read the remainder of the
file. As in the previous example, perl
reads the
contents of the file, compiles the script in system memory, and
executes the code. For more information about the Unix
environment, check out the Unix course pages.
Perl has two basic variables types: scalars and lists. Scalars
are single elements that hold a value, such as a text string or
number. List variables consist of arrays or hashes (know as
associative arrays). More on list variables in future labs.
Scalar variables do not need to be "typed" as in C or
other languages. Nor do they need to be declared before using
them (although there are contexts in which it is very prudent to
do so). Below are some examples of the behavior of variable assignment,
subsitition and print statements.
Scalar variables in perl will always begin with the $
character. Array variables in list context will begin with the
@ character and hashes in list context will begin with the %
character. Variable names should not contain any
non-alphanumeric characters other than Perl's
"built-in" variables. Variables names should also not
have a numeric character at the beginning of the name. Perl
variable names are case-sensitive; ie. $fish
is a
different variable than $Fish
$string = "Hello World!\n";
print STDOUT $string;
"string is \"$string\"";
print 'string is $string';
$string = 4;
print $string;
print "XX\n";
print "Please enter your name\n";
$name = <STDIN>;
print STDOUT "Your name is $name\n";
Perl Help
Perl has a wealth of quality documentation included in it's
standard distribution. In a Unix environment, there are many
manual (man) pages for various aspects of perl. The method for
accessing the documentation may vary depending on the system but
the contents and structure will be the same.
man perl - Perl overview. This is the main man page for Perl.
This document lists all the other man pages for perl available
on the system.
man perlfunc - Perl built-in functions
man perlre - Perl regular expressions
man perlfaq - Perl frequently asked questions
Many, many others...
Perl Resources
Web links:
Comprehensive Perl Archive Network
ActiveState (Perl for Windows 9x,NT,2k,XP) Free
The Perl Directory
O'Reilly site
Robert's Perl Tutorial
Text Editors:
Mac, Unix)
XEmacs (Unix).
VIM (windows, Mac, Unix)
Elvis (windows, Unix)
Kate (KDE environment, Unix)
Open Perl IDE (win32)
FTE (Unix, win32)
NEdit (Unix)
last updated: 27 Aug 2015 12:42