
About Vortex2

2009 Cases

May 12

May 13

May 15

May 19

May 20

May 23

May 25

May 26

May 31

June 4

June 5

June 6

June 7

June 9

June 10

June 11

June 13



11 June 2009


Mission Location: Lamar, CO

CAMA and CAMB deployed on the southern of two supercells that formed west of Lamar, CO.  Both storms were visually very impressive at different stages of the life cycle.  Both CAMA and CAMB well-documented the hook area and also the flanking line.  Tornado warnings were issued for the target storm, yet no tornado was visually observed.  A funnel-like extension from cloud base was observed at about 01:30 UTC.
CAMA deployed initially with DOW7.  As the mesocyclone moved to the east of their first deployment location, CAMA moved eastward to stay ahead of the storm while DOW7 remained behind to continue dual-Doppler coverage.  CAMA deployed two more times farther east, however, they were not collocated with a radar.  CAMB deployed with DOW6 initially and then DOW7 for their last two deployments.

CAMA Deployments:
Deployment#1 (with DOW7): 37.982227N, 103.642685W from 23:51 to 00:32 UTC
Deployment #2: 37.99793N, 103.197823W from 01:09 to 01:15 UTC
Deployment #3:  37.968983N, 102.985228W from 20:31 to 20:42 UTC

CAMB Deployments:
Deployment #1 (with DOW6): 37.97997N, 103.791468W from 00:00 to 00:33 UTC
Deployment #2(with DOW7): 38.024215N, 102.6133W from 02:03 to 02:07 UTC
Deployment #3(with DOW7): 37.975802N, 102.613203W from 02:15 to 02:25 UTC