GOES Sounders.
- The Visible and Infrared Spin Scan
Radiometer (VISSR) Atmospheric Sounder (VAS) was introduced on GOES-4 in 1981.
- The VAS hardware is shown to the
right -->
- The GOES-8 sounder has 18 thermal
infrared bands plus a low-resolution visible
- The field of view (FOV) is 8 km
and is sampled every 10 km.
- The GOES-8 sounder spectral
- six bands in the 15 um
(longwave) band,
- a split-window pair,
- three midtropospheric
water-sensitive bands
- an ozone band
- five 4 um (shortwave)
- a visible band.
- The GOES-8 sounder's design goal,
like the imager's, is to provide brightness
temperatures with 1.0 K absolute accuracy and 0.3
K relative precision.
- NOTE: No
Sounding retrieval is possible in cloudy areas!