Components of the WSR 88D The 88-Ds are composed of three major functional components: 1. RDA- the RDA (Radar Data Aquisition) component of the system aquires and processes the raw data. It consists of the antenna. pedestal, radome, tower, transmitter, receiver, minicomputer, and signal processor. The RDA is may be damaged in severe weather events. 2. The RPG (Radar Product Generator) is where the algorithms compute all of the derived fields (see handout). All derived fields, or products, are generated from the based fields (reflectivity, radial velocity, and spectral width). The RPG generates the level III data and are commonly available through the NEXRAD Information Dissemination Service (NIDS). 3. The PUP (Principle User Processor) is where the data from the RPG is sent. The PUP is basically a workstation that allows the user to display and manipulate all the products. This is now an AWIPS display system. |
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