Base Reflectivity (R) - A display of echo intensity measured in dBZ. This product is used to detect precipitation, evaluate storm structure, locate boundaries and determine hail potential.
Base Spectrum Width (SW) - A measure of velocity dispersion within the radar sample volume. The primary use of this product is to estimate turbulence associated with mesocyclones and boundaries.
Base Velocity (V) - A measure of the radial component of the wind either toward the radar (negative values) or away from the radar (positive values). Negative values are represented by cool colors (green) while positive values are represented by warm colors (red). This product is used to estimate wind speed and direction, locate boundaries, locate severe weather signatures and identify suspected areas of turbulence.


Composite Reflectivity (CR) - A display of maximum reflectivity for the total volume within the range of the radar. This product is used to reveal the highest reflectivities in all echoes, examine storm structure features and determine intensity of storms.
Echo Tops (ET) - An image of the echo top heights color coded in user-defined increments. This product is used for a quick estimation of the most intense convection and higher echo tops, as an aid in identification of storm structure features and for pilot briefing purposes.
Hail Index Overlay (HI) - A product designed to locate storms which have the potential to produce hail. Hail potential is labeled as either probable (hollow green triangle) or positive (filled green triangle). Probable means the storm is probably producing hail and positive means the storm is producing hail.
Mesocyclone Overlay (M) - This product is designed to display information regarding the existence and nature of rotations associated with thunderstorms. Numerical output includes azimuth, range, and height of the mesocyclone.
One-hour Precipitation (OHP) - A map of estimated one hour precipitation accumulation on a 1.1 X 1.1 nmi grid. This product is used to assess rainfall intensities for flash flood warnings, urban flood statements and special weather statements.
Severe Weather Probability Overlay (SWP) - A measure of a storms relative severity as compared with those storms around it. The values are directly related to the horizontal extent of vertically integrated liquid (VIL) values greater than a specified threshold. This product is used as a quick identification of the strongest storms.
Storm Structure (SS) (Alphanumeric product) - A table displaying information on storm attributes which include maximum reflectivity, maximum velocity at lowest elevation angle, storm overhang, mass weighted storm volume, storm area base and top, storm position and storm tilt.
Storm Total Precipitation (STP) - A map of estimated storm total precipitation accumulation continuously updated since the last one-hour break over the entire scope. This product is used to locate flood potential over urban or rural areas, estimate total basin runoff and provide rainfall data 24 hours a day.
Storm Tracking Information Overlay (STI) - A product which shows a plot of the past hours movement, current location, and forecast movement for the next hour or less for each identified thunderstorm cell. This product is used to determine reliable storm movement.
Tornadic Vortex Signature Overlay (TVS) - A product which shows an intense gate to gate azimuthal shear associated with tornadic- scale rotation. It is depicted by a red triangle with numerical output of location and height.
VAD Wind Profile (VWP) - A graphic display of wind barbs plotted on a height staff in 500 ft or 1000 ft increments. The current (far right) and up to 10 previous plots may be displayed simultaneously. This product is an excellent tool for meteorologists in weather forecasting, severe weather and aviation.
Vertically Integrated Liquid (VIL) - The water content of a 2.2 X 2.2 nmi column of air which is color coded and plotted on a 124 nmi map. This product is used as an effective hail indicator, to locate most significant storms and to identify areas of heavy rainfall.