Global Climate - Dry Climates
Characteristics - deficient
precipitation most of the year; potential evaporation and
transpiration exceed precipitation
- occupies 26% of total land area -
more than any other climate type
- evaporation > precipitation
Extent - the subtropical deserts extend from roughly
20°-30° latitude in large continental regions of the
middle latitudes, often surrounded by mountains.
Major types: -
- arid (BW) - the
"true desert"
- further subdivided into
BWh (hot) and BWk (cold)
- 12% of worlds land mass
- created by subsidence
associated with semi-permanent highs
- subsidence on lee side of
mountain ranges
- BW has highest temps in
the world
- winters can be somewhat
moderate - min temps in the 20s
- example of Phoenix AZ
Map - West
Map - East
- semi-arid (BS)
- further subdivided into
BSh (hot) and BSk (cold)
- also called Steppe climate
- short bunch grass, low
bushes, sagebrush
- similar to BW, but
receives more rainfall
- found on edges of BW
- example of Denver, CO