The Sounder - Profile
- Vertical
temperature profiles from sounder radiance measurements are
produced at 40 pressure levels from 1000 to 0.1
- Also, estimates of surface
emissivity, cloud-top pressure, and cloud amount
are obtained as by-products.
- The retrieval begins with a
first-guess temperature profile that is obtained
from a space-time interpolation of fields
provided by NWS forecast models.
- Hourly surface observations and
sea surface temperature from AVHRR help provide
surface boundary information.
- Soundings are produced from a 5 x
5 array of FOVs whenever nine or more FOVs are
determined to be either clear or contaminated by
"low cloud."
- Here
is an example of a satellite-derived sounding
compared to an NWS sounding
- Vertical
moisture (mixing ratio--hence, specific humidity)
profiles are
obtained in the simultaneous retrieval and are
provided at the same levels as temperature up to
300 mb.
see also:
- > sounder products |