Data Examples From the Decommissioned Profiler Network

The time series of vertical profiles of horizontal winds were very useful to researchers and forecasters since a wide variety of phenomena and physical processes can be seen in these data.  These include:

  • Ridges and troughs
  • Upper level and surface fronts
  • Upper and low-level jets
  • Vertical shear profiles associated with severe weather
  • Mesoscale circulations associated with Mesoscale Convective Systems
  • Layers of thermal advection (cold and warm air advection)
However, interpretation of the data and identifying these and other phenomena/physical processes in the data can be challenging.  Below, some examples of the above phenomena are given.  Try to identify any of the above features in the data.
  1. Example #1
  2. Example #2
  3. Example #3
  4. Example #4
  5. Example #5
  6. Example #6
  7. Example #7