- One of the primary advantages of
lidar over Doppler radars like the WSR-88D is the
increase in resolution. Lidar data
resolution is much better than data from the 88-D
in both the radial and azimuthal direction.
- Accordingly, lidars are well
suited to study boundary layer phenomena.
- Because of the short wavelength of the radiation they transmit, lidars well suited to study aerosols
in the boundary layer, free troposphere, and the
- They are also capable of measuring concentrations of trace gases such as ozone and water vapor
- Lidars are also very mobile.
They have been placed and used on aircraft
and ships in addition to ground-based units.
There at least two types of lidars out there
that perform a large number of functions. We will
discuss two basic types of lidars:
- High Resolution Spectral Lidar (HSRL)
- DIAL (Differential Absorption