1. Which statement below best describes the curvature effect?

     a.  Large cloud droplets fall faster than small droplets

     b.  small droplets evaporate more quickly than large droplets

     c.  small droplets collide and coalesce more easily than larger droplets

     d.  explains the six-sided shape of ice crystals


2. Large raindrops fall _____ than smaller raindrops, and have a _____ terminal velocity than small raindrops.

     a.  faster, lesser

     b.  faster, greater

     c.  slower, lesser

     d.  slower, greater


3. Which cloud would most likely produce drizzle?

     a.  stratus

     b.  cumulus

     c.  cumulus congestus

     d.  cirrostratus

     e.  cumulonimbus


4. If you observe large raindrops hitting the ground, you could probably say that the cloud overhead was _____ and had _____ updrafts.

     a.  thick, weak

     b.  thick, strong

     c.  thin, weak

     d.  thin, strong


5. During the ice crystal process of rain formation:

     a.  only ice crystals need be present in a cloud

     b.  ice crystals grow larger at the expense of the surrounding liquid cloud droplets

     c.  the temperature in the cloud must be -40°C (-40°F) or below

     d.  the cloud must be a cumuliform cloud


6. Which of the following statements is not correct?

     a.  Generally, the smaller the pure water droplet, the lower the temperature at which it will freeze

     b.  Ice nuclei are more plentiful in the atmosphere than condensation nuclei

     c.  Much of the rain falling in middle northern latitudes begins as snow

     d.  Ice crystals may grow in a cold cloud even though supercooled droplets do not.


7. Supercooled cloud droplets are:

     a.  ice crystals surrounded by air warmer than 0°C (32°F)

     b.  liquid droplets that are cooler than the air around them

     c.  liquid droplets observed at temperatures below 0°C (32°F)

     d.  water droplets that have had all their latent heat removed


8. The growth of a precipitation particle by the collision of an ice crystal (or snowflake) with a supercooled liquid droplet is called:

     a.  accretion

     b.  spontaneous nucleation

     c.  condensation

     d.  deposition


9. Cloud seeding using silver iodide only works in:

     a.  cold clouds composed entirely of ice crystals

     b.  warm clouds composed entirely of water droplets

     c.  cold clouds composed of ice crystals and supercooled droplets

     d.  cumuliform clouds


10. Rain which falls from a cloud but evaporates before reaching the ground is referred to as:

     a.  sleet

     b.  virga

     c.  graupel

     d.  dry rain


11. Large, heavy snowflakes are associated with:

     a.  dry  air and temperatures well below freezing

     b.  moist air and temperatures well below freezing

     c.  dry  air and temperatures near freezing

     d.  moist air and temperatures near freezing


12. An aggregate of ice crystals is:

     a.  a snowflake

     b.  freezing rain

     c.  sleet

     d.  glaze


13. Which is not a correct association?

     a.  snow grains - hail

     b.  ground blizzard - drifting and blowing snow

     c.  snow squall - intense snow shower

     d.  sleet - ice pellet

     e.  freezing rain - glaze


14. Which type of precipitation would most likely form when the surface air temperature is slightly below freezing and the air temperature increases as you move upward away from the ground?

     a.  freezing rain

     b.  hail

     c.  rain

     d.  snow

     e.  drizzle


15. After a snowstorm the newspaper reports that Buffalo, New York received 1.50 inches of precipitation.  If we assume an average water equivalent ratio for this snowstorm, then Buffalo received about _____ inches of snow.

     a.  3

     b.  1.5

     c.  10

     d.  9

     e.  15


16. Radar gathers information about precipitation in clouds by measuring the:

     a.  energy emitted by the precipitation particles

     b.  absorption characteristics of falling precipitation

     c.  amount of energy reflected back to a transmitter

     d.  amount of sunlight scattered off the precipitation

     e.  amount of solar energy passing through the cloud