formed in strong storms by accretion of
super-cooled water onto graupel, or other frozen
How does hail form?
On June 23 and 25, 2003, the Hastings
National Weather Service Office conducted damage surveys
documenting the size of the hail and damage in the city of Aurora,
NE. The largest stone found on June 23, 2003 is shown here which
measured 6.5 inches in
diameter, 17 3/8 inches in circumference and a certified weight of
1.33 pounds. Larger hailstones were reported and verified on
June 25, 2003 with this hailstone measuring
7.0 inches in diameter and a
18 3/4 inch circumference shown here. Many very large impact
craters were noted in some yards, with the largest measuring 12
inches wide and 3 inches deep.
Weather Symbols for
different precip types