Extreme climates
- Highest temperature ever recorded
in North America - 57°C (134°F) at Greenland
Ranch in Death Valley, CA
- average max temp in July
in Death Valley is 116°F!!
- Hottest urban area is Yuma AZ
- high temps average 108°F
in July
- Hottest place in the world -
Dallol Ethiopia - located south of the Red Sea
- average annual temperature
between 1960-1996 was 94°F !!
- One of the coldest spots in U.S. -
International Fall, MN
- Average temperature in
January is 3°F
- longest cold streak - Langdon, ND
- winter of 1936
- temp remained below 0°F
for 41 consecutive days
- coldest temperature reading in US
- Rogers Pass, Montana
- coldest areas of the US:
- Yukon and the Northwest
Territories of Canada
- coldest areas in N.H.:
- coldest temperature ever recorded
anywhere in the world:
- -129°F at Vostok,
