Problems with the models
- Models represent a
"simplified" atmosphere - not every
real process in atmosphere can be resolved in the
- Many are not global in coverage
- Initial atmospheric state is not
well-known - want a dense, global network of
- Have many data-parse regions,
particularly over the oceans
- The data may also have errors in
- The model equations compute
quantities at grid points.
Currently, grid spacing ranges from 30-50 km apart. Any
phenomena smaller in size that grid spacing will
not be resolved in models (e.g., thunderstorm)
- small-scale terrain features will
not be handled properly
- models can not resolve boundary
layer very well.
- The atmosphere is fundamentally chaotic - small differences in the model
initial conditions can produce radically
different results later in time
- Each model can produce different
predictions.... which do you believe????
Explain how the phrase "sensitive dependence on
initial conditions" relates to the final outcome of a computer-based
weather forecast.